SquirroGPT - Web: Crawling a website failed

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Thanks a lot for reaching out on Squirro Forum and Squirro support. This was an internal Squirro issue and since then has been resolved on your server. The fix will also be part of next Squirro release 3.9.4.

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Hey :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I also want to install SquirroGPT. Could you please share some guidance. and share some helpful resources.

Thanks :heart_eyes:

Dear Kangsol,

Thank you for your message.

You are quite welcome to visit our official SquirroGPT Quick-Start Guide, located under the link: SquirroGPT Data Quick-Start Guide — Squirro Documentation

Please, let us know how it goes and if you require any additional assistance. Thank you.

Kind regards,