The latest Squirro Release 3.6.2 is now generally available on our mirror. In order to upgrade your existing Squirro installation or install a new version of Squirro, please head over to the Getting Squirro page for relevant instructions. Latest SquirroClient is also now available as usual on our PyPi mirror.
- Extend QA documentation by configuration section
- [Search] Custom Document Relevancy Scoring using ScriptProfiles
- [Breadcrumb Widget] Dont show default dashboard time selection as a breadcrumb
- Expose hostname to Squirro SDK.
- Create new widget group (Search), Reorganize widgets in groups
- [Pipeline Workflows] Allow pipeline rerun in view mode
- Expose QA configuration to specify for which query languages the answer should be searched for
- Add NLP step that supports ML models in the ONNX format
- Add query processing steps to the Squirro documentation
- [Search] Scoring Profiles: Added popular-item boosting profile. This allows to use the overall item-popularity (amount of events) as additional ranking signal. See Scoring Profile Documentation
- Add reordering community types functionality
- Support the maxRequests option of the forked FastCGI flup server. It can be defined in the max_requests config option in the server section of a service’s ini file, similar to min_spare and max_spare. It has an effect only when the fork config option is set to true.
- Allow reordering community types in the setup space
- Add reordering community types functionality
- [Document Level Feeback] Implement feedback generation from any type of document
- Avatar colors in items and engagement widget will now have color based on avatar text hash
- Added API to fetch followers’ information from a community. It will be needed to display followers’ information in the Community 360 dashboard.
- [Cards widget] Expose custom date format in Cards properties
- Add reordering community types functionality
- [libNLP] Documentation for steps in filter, loader, normalizer, projector and saver steps
- Expose QA widget configuration to the configuration service
- Implements QA and SimilarSearches widgets activity logs
Bug Fixes
- Entities Sidepanel: Child entities will be unselected together with parent
- Following communities are missing cursor pointer and totals.
- Fixes a bug where community cards cause a session disconnect.
- Fix missing link wrapper for custom logo
- Fixed the documentation of modify_community in Squirro client
- Entities chips widget will now show all entities instead of just 10
- Fixes spellcheck not working with React GlobalSearch
- Fixes not aligned star icon in items cards horizontal
- Center chip text for entity popup
- Fixes the query context being persisted, after clearing the filter of a dashboard
- Change item sidepanel empty message for matching query tab
- Make the SDK use the already existing server option.
- Fix modification of processed value (it can be now False or True)
- Fix matching queries sometimes not showing in the item detail of Items Widget
- Fixes non-clickable keywords being wrongly highlighted
- Entity Type which includes a space breaks the side panel in the explore screen
- Adjust Tooltip styles in React and Backbone
- Fix multiple query activity logs
- Fixed side panel appearing momentarily when navigating between items using arrows,
- Fix QA Detail not opening properly
- Add community 360 navigation support to subscribed communities list.
- Fix selection reset for multiple values in facets widget, Fix styles for horizontal dropdowns
- Fix item detail highlighting when there is a dashboard query applied.
- Fix aggregation reset after facet change
- [Reset widget, list mode] Make reset all filters button blue
- Widget Browser shows all widgets under Items category when opened twice in a row
Breaking Changes
- [libNLP] removal of the aggregation normalizer step + util funktionality for reservoir sampling
Installation and Upgrade
You will have to resolve at least the following config files when upgrading from Squirro 3.3.0
For new installations, please follow the Setup on Linux instructions.
To upgrade an existing installation, please consult the Upgrades for Squirro 3.5.3 and later guide.