Generating Facets - Squirro Trainee Engineer Question

Currently finishing the Squirro Engineering training, however I encountered a problem with
generating facets. Concretely, stuck on “Generating preview” step while adding data from custom created fakenews_plugin .

However, uploading data with squirro_data_load command works completely fine (the same as in tutorial).

I also compared the code with the one in training/data_loader/8_fakenews at master · squirro/training · GitHub repo, It seems that all should work, but it does not.

So the question is how I should debug this kind of problem?
Can I have access to logs from squirro project or instance? Or how this should be handled in a proper way?

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Hi Lauren,

I’d say the best bet to debug this from the web ui would be to click the dial menu, then click on “Server” and then in the left side menu select Log Files

From the pulldown menu, I’d select datasource.log, since this is in related to a datasource and the preview will be done by the datasource python service of Squirro.

I’d select WARNING as the level.

Ideally you do this all in a new tab and then you retry the preview and then press SHOW LOG right after.
If an error or warning happens you’ll be able to see these.

Even if the issue is with the facet creation, which i’m not so sure, it the datasource service would still get an error from the topic service, which ultimately will create the facets.

Once you get an error, please post it here for further analysis.


Hi Lauren,

From the logs, I can see that because the field “API Endpoint” is empty, the plugin goes to fetch data from /news/sport?..., instead of

Perhaps the “API Endpoint” field can be made required, or you could specify a default endpoint in getArguments().

Hope this helps!