The latest LTS Squirro Release 3.4.7 is now generally available on our mirror. In order to upgrade your existing Squirro installation or install a new version of Squirro, please head over to the Getting Squirro page for relevant instructions.
Highlights of this release include:
- Automatically created Squirro Monitoring project
- Track logins, dashboard interactions, queries
- Suggest previously used queries to the user
- Requires activity tracking
- Improve search experience by providing better results
- Pre-configured query processing (ML workflow)
- Rerun individual pipeline steps in pipeline editor
- AI Studio supports proximity filters with multiple labels
Item Detail View
- Redesigned
- PDF in-document search
- Split-screen view of two documents
- Quickly see information about entity in a reference document
- Elasticsearch upgrade
- PDF OCR pipeline step
- AI Studio & ML Workflows: Optimized execution of multiple workflows
- Publishing ML workflow to ingestion pipeline
- libNLP available for download (partners)
- Auto-synchronization of communities
- Project configuration
- Subscribe for auto-upgrades of self-service instances
For more details, please head over to our official Release Notes.
To download the latest Squirro toolbox, head over to the downloads space.
Latest SquirroClient is also now available as usual on our PyPi mirror.