The Squirro Forum is a Civilized Place for Public Discussion
Please treat this discussion forum with the same respect you would a public park. We, too, are a shared community resource — a place to share skills, knowledge and interests through ongoing conversation.
These are not hard and fast rules. They are guidelines to aid the human judgment of our community and keep this a kind, friendly place for civilized public discourse.
Improve the Discussion
Help us make this a great place for discussion by always adding something positive to the discussion, however small. If you are not sure your post adds to the conversation, think over what you want to say and try again later.
One way to improve the discussion is by discovering ones that are already happening. Spend time browsing the topics here before replying or starting your own, and you’ll have a better chance of meeting others who share your interests.
The topics discussed here matter to us, and we want you to act as if they matter to you, too. Be respectful of the topics and the people discussing them, even if you disagree with some of what is being said.
Be Agreeable
, Even When You Disagree
You may wish to respond by disagreeing. That’s fine. But remember to criticize ideas, not people. Please avoid:
- Name-calling
- Ad hominem attacks
- Responding to a post’s tone instead of its actual content
- Knee-jerk contradiction
Instead, provide thoughtful insights that improve the conversation.
Your Participation Counts
The conversations we have here set the tone for every new arrival. Help us influence the future of this community by choosing to engage in discussions that make this forum an interesting place to be — and avoiding those that do not.
The Squirro Forum provides tools that enable the community to collectively identify the best (and worst) contributions: bookmarks, likes, flags, replies, edits, watching, muting and so forth. Use these tools to improve your own experience, and everyone else’s, too.
Let’s leave our community better than we found it.
If You See a Problem, Flag It
Moderators have special authority; they are responsible for this forum. But so are you.
When you see bad behavior, don’t reply. Replying encourages bad behavior by acknowledging it, consumes your energy, and wastes everyone’s time. Just flag it. If enough flags accrue, action will be taken, either automatically or by moderator intervention.
In order to maintain our community, moderators reserve the right to remove any content and any user account for any reason at any time. Moderators do not preview new posts; the moderators and site operators take no responsibility for any content posted by the community.
Always Be Civil
Nothing sabotages a healthy conversation like rudeness:
- Be civil. Don’t post anything that a reasonable person would consider offensive, abusive, or hate speech.
- Keep it clean. Don’t post anything obscene or sexually explicit.
- Respect each other. Don’t harass or grief anyone, impersonate people, or expose their private information.
- Respect our forum. Don’t post spam or otherwise vandalize the forum.
These are not concrete terms with precise definitions — avoid even the appearance of any of these things. If you’re unsure, ask yourself how you would feel if your post was featured on the front page of a major news site. Keep the language, links, and images safe for family and friends.
Keep It Tidy
Make the effort to put things in the right place, so that we can spend more time discussing and less cleaning up. So:
- Don’t start a topic in the wrong category; please read the category definitions.
- Don’t cross-post the same thing in multiple topics.
- Don’t post no-content replies.
- Don’t divert a topic by changing it midstream.
- Don’t sign your posts — every post has your profile information attached to it.
Rather than posting “+1” or “Agreed”, use the Like button. Rather than taking an existing topic in a radically different direction, use Reply as a Linked Topic.
Post Only Your Own Stuff
You may not post anything digital that belongs to someone else without permission. You may not post descriptions of, links to, or methods for stealing someone’s intellectual property (software, video, audio, images), or for breaking any other law.
Powered by You
This site is operated by your friendly local staff and you, the community. If you have any further questions about how things should work here, open a new topic and let’s discuss! If there’s a critical or urgent issue that can’t be handled by a meta topic or flag, contact us.
Terms of Service
Please read these Terms of Service carefully. Unfortunately, we are compelled to request you for legal reasons to leave our Forum (hereinafter “Forum”) if you cannot observe these rules. Your (hereinafter “User”) use of this Forum or of any content presented in any and all areas of the Forum indicates your acknowledgment and agreement to these terms of service.*
Intellectual property
Except for references expressly to the contrary, all data, works, inventions, designs, concepts, ideas and other elements of this Forum (hereinafter called “Intellectual Property”) belong exclusively to Nektoon AG, Zurich, Switzerland (hereinafter called “the Service Provider”).
Any use of the Intellectual Property including for personal purposes, is prohibited. The only exception is personal, non-commercial viewing of the Forum by means of commercially available and non-modified browser software or applications and software provided by the Service Provider, as well as the preparation of a single print on paper solely for personal use. In case of infringement the Service Provider is entitled to judicial enforcement and restitution of the legal status in addition to any claim for compensation.
You grant to the Service Provider free of charge a non-exclusive, worldwide, and irrevocable right for commercial use and utilisation in an anonymous form of the data submitted by you to the Service Provider in the context of this Forum.
No guarantee for contents
All contents of the Forum are supplied without guarantee.
No guarantee for availability
Availability of the Forum or of certain parts thereof is at no time guaranteed. The Service Provider may limit availability of Forum at any time for particular or unlimited periods and/or alter or remove the contents and functionality.
No liability
All liability of the Service Provider arising in connection with use of the Forum or connected with offers made by third parties via links with the Forum is excluded.
The User is liable for all data transmitted by him or her to the Forum and indemnifies the Service Provider against any and all claims of third parties arising from violations of rights in relation to data submitted by the User.
Applicable law
In as far as a contractual relationship should arise at all between you and the Service Provider, it shall be governed solely by the substantive laws of Switzerland. Exclusive Place of Jurisdiction is Zurich, Switzerland.
The Service Provider shall reserve the right to modify these terms of service at any time without indicating any reasons.
Current version: version 1.0, June 2012.
Questions regarding these Terms of Serivce should be directed to the Service Provider by email (
Squirro is a registered trademark of Squirro AG.